Saturday 10 September 2011

Safe driving triangle new theme for the Road safety action for the decade 2011-2020

United Nations launched a decade long campaign for Road safety called DECADE OF ACTION FOR ROAD SAFETY 2011-2020.
Road traffic injuries remain a major public health problem and a leading cause of death, injury and disability around the world. Each year, nearly 1.3 million people die and between 20 million and 50 million more are injured as a result of road crashes. According to UN data, more than 90 per cent of these deaths occur in low-income and middle-income countries, which have less than half of the world’s vehicles. While accepting the fact that more than 90 per cent of these deaths are in low and middle income countries, road infrastructure in those countries remain in bad state. Lack of skills, knowledge and poor compliance by drivers aggravate this catastrophe. Driver education is one key to this menace.  Especially when you analyze accident causation data provided by those countries, human error is termed as the numero uno reason for road accidents.
Part of my contribution to this campaign, I am introducing a simple, basic, yet very strong concept for safe driving, especially addressing the human error factor in road traffic accidents. This is first time such a concept is introduced, I welcome United Nations to adopt this basic concept and spread the message as part of the action plan 2011-2020.
Why to adopt such a simple theme for a worldwide large scale campaign?
I prefer to answer this question with the same data used by UN, the geographical concentration of 90% of the accidents. Drivers in those countries are not educated enough or seriously aware of the consequences of their actions behind the wheel. Even general public awareness and interference is very low in road safety. Many countries are now trying to bring awareness to schools where children can be taught about road safety who will ultimately become responsible drivers of tomorrow. Considering the target audience, I strongly believe and recommend for such a simple yet strong theme for this campaign.
One unique feature of driving everywhere is the driver and his 5 senses, rest all change from place to place, Toyota car and features in India is different from Toyota car and features in the U.S. Road rules and highway code in U.S is different from that of Russia, cars are left hand driven in the middle east, while right hand driven in the U.K. The only factor that can be influenced all over the world to prevent accidents is the driver and his mindset. These three attributes of a driver that I am talking about is key to safe driving, no matter where, when and how that person is driving.
Even when we have the best of the cars, and the best of roads and the best of engineering and road controls, again the steering wheel and the environment is in the hands and mind of the driver. This is same when such infrastructure is the worst. So, reinforcing these three attributes of human mind is at most important in road safety everywhere, educating drivers and others should be focusing on these three road behavior.


Concentration: attention of driver on the road and focusing on the driving task is most important in safe driving. Driver attention can be diverted due to many reason which is numerous and endless to list. A focused driver watches out for hazards emerging from the front, rear and sides. Attention reduces perception and reaction times thus preventing accidents
Anticipation: driving situations change continuously and every driver should anticipate actions of other drivers and emerging road risks. A sense of observation is not enough. A driver should think ahead and understand what can happen next, then take actions on priority. Anticipation requires the driver to use his intelligence and previous experience to make reasonable decisions and actions on expected risks ahead.
Reaction: every driver need to be alert and in good senses to react quickly and safely to changing road situations. Human reaction is a complex mental process which varies on several elements. It is for each individual to understand their physical and mental limitations that might affect reaction process on road and adjust themselves in advance to avoid accidents. Each driver should be vigilant enough to react within the time frame available to avoid a collision or react well in advance to compensate a probable delay due to human limitations.

Muhammad Riyas: Writer is an expert in industrial and transportation safety; hold a post graduate qualification in safety and risk management from strathclyde university UK and a chartered member of institution of occupational health and safety UK. Born in Kerala in him at

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